THE DULWICH CUP Chinese writing competition

Dulwich College Shanghai is hosting the Shanghai Pudong New Area ‘Dulwich Cup’ International students’ Chinese writing competition. This is the 6th international students writing competition organised by Pudong New Area Education committee 对外汉语教育专业委员会 and 语言文字工作委员会办公室. The competition is open to all international students in Pudong New Area ages 7 to 17 years old. The competition theme for this year is “…… in my eyes”. Students are to choose or take a photograph and write an essay on the topic. The essay can be written in any style and the deadline for submission is 20 March 2015. More details about the competition and how to participate can be found by clicking the files below. Competition English   由上海市浦东新区教育学会对外汉语教育专业委员会、上海市浦东新区语言文字工作委员会办公室主办,上海德威英国国际学校承办的浦东新区第六届国际学生征文比赛已经开始。浦东新区各所国际学校及浦东新区公、民办学校7-17 岁国际学生均可参加比赛。今年的征稿主题是“我眼中的…”,参赛学生要求围绕征稿主题,自拟题目,并选取本人拍摄的摄影作品,用中文完成习作,体裁不限,截稿日期为2015年3月20日。 预知更多比赛信息及如何参赛,请点击阅读下面的文件。 上海市浦东新区第六届国际学生征文比赛邀请函

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