Welcome back to school!

It's that time of year again. After a relaxing summer holiday, we are thrilled to see the smiling faces of our students. 

Our students were greeted by teachers and staff during the first day of school, while parents were able to meet our teachers and other parents during Family Orientation Day. Let’s take a look at a fantastic start to the academic year across our family of schools.

Students, staff, teachers, and parents - even our Dulwich Panther coming back together for the first day of the new school year!
A special welcome to our new teachers and families.
All students receive warm greetings from our teachers and staff.
Another team of exceptional teachers join the Dulwich family.
Our students starting the term with smiles and enthusiasm, ready to make new memories together!

We wish all our students another exciting school year ahead, full of learning, fun and adventures! 

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