SOLE Dulwich

SOLE Dulwich

Project Manager: Sarah Leonard

We want our children to have their eyes wide open to the future and go armed with learning skills and reliable ways to find an answer. SOLE encourages teachers to create a curriculum of questions. How does Didi work? How will A.I impact on my life? It transforms the learning culture to one where children feel empowered to take ownership of their learning. It allows for big questions that teachers do not know the answer to. Future employers will look for candidates who have an international mindset, the SOLE learning method breaks down geographical boundaries. The internet breaks down geographical boundaries. Therefore, SOLE enables children to learn from and discover different cultures and environments. Our students may Skype children in India or indeed all around the world who also are using the SOLE method. They can learn about the world literally through their fingertips. This ability to use the internet to build effective relationships, to learn independently and collaboratively, is a highly valued skill both in school and the workplace.


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